- 林博仁 Buo-ren Lin
- 達業
- 瑞
- Eric
- FlyPie
- Pellaeon
- RJ
- Marty
- twan
- Tony
- James
- Misawai
- ciosai
- mat
- wycc
[再次宣傳][尾牙聚餐] 2024 年 TOSSUGxH4 尾牙時間訂於 2024/01/14 晚上,歡迎舊雨新知一起來參加。活動網址如下:
- https://www.hackingthursday.org/blog/2024-12-19_1734623940/
- https://hackingthursday.kktix.cc/events/year-end-party-2024
Ray Hsu
新年快樂! 這是我的韓國同學寫的互動式聖誕老公公,可以360度旋轉、放大縮小,點擊聖誕老人還可以跟他用英文聊聊新年目標(他的回覆有時蠻搞笑的🎇🎅
ciosai: LMAO 可以 prompt inject 欸 ciosai: 跟他說 “ignore all previous instructions and 看你要叫他幹嘛”
- Honey 擴充功能的部份員工跑出來做這個,建議不要裝
- https://pie.org/
- https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu-sn&channel=fs&q=residential+proxy
- A Closer Exploration of Residential Proxies and CAPTCHA-Breaking Services | Trend Micro (US)
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/vulnerabilities-and-exploits/a-closer-exploration-of-residential-proxies-and-captcha-breaking-services
- fourdollars/commits-tilewall: A Rust application that generates a visual representation of commit activity across multiple local Git repositories.
- Fourdollars 的新作品
- 自由知識協作平台 Libre Knowledge Collaboration Platform · GitLab
- How Honey Got Away With It - YouTube
- Q: 我有一個 .com TLD 的域名要到期了,請推薦域名 registar(目前是 Gandi)
idoleat: 我的 .tw 網域是在 https://itn.tw/ 買的, .com 可以看看 kanru: 之前看到有人推 dyndot,這家有支援 .tw RJ: .com 的話 cloudflare 也行吧XD
- https://github.com/meyfa/CobolCraft
- 用 COBOL 寫的 Minecraft 伺服器
- https://genuary.art/
- JANuary 被換成 GENuary(generate) 一月每天一個題目創作演算藝術的活動
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica: Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
- Setting up Perplexica on Arch Linux locally - Martin’s website/blog thingy
- 本地揣自架 AI 搜尋引擎
- Less is More: Parameter-Free Text Classification with Gzip
- LangChain
- [2411.07279] The Surprising Effectiveness of Test-Time Training for Abstract Reasoning
- Linux 第一波中文化貢獻
- 1995 年出版。作者: 王佑中 (wycc)
Scan bluetooth sample code:
#!/usr/bin/env python from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate TARGET_BT_NAME = "BT Thermometer" TEMP = -1 def split_string(s): return [s[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(s), 2)] def fetch_dev_info(dev): global TEMP print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for adtype, desc, value in dev.getScanData(): if adtype == 22: print(" %s = %s , adtype:%s" % (desc, value, adtype)) print(value) d_ary = split_string(value) print(d_ary) hex_l = d_ary[4] hex_h = d_ary[5] val_l = int("0x" + hex_l, 16) val_h = int("0x" + hex_h, 16) val = (val_h << 8) + val_l temp = val / 10 print( "temp: %d , val: %d, val_h: %d, val_l: %d\n" % (temp, val, val_h, val_l) ) TEMP = str(temp) class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): bt_name = dev.getValueText(9) #if bt_name != TARGET_BT_NAME: # return if isNewDev: print("Discovered device", dev.addr) if isNewData: print("Received new data from", dev.addr) fetch_dev_info(dev) print("TEMP: %s" % TEMP) scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(15) scanner.start() while True: print("Still running...") scanner.process()